First Show of 2016 – Avenue Q (tour)
Well here I am at the New theatre Cardiff for my first theatrical event of 2016, it’s a tour of a show I saw a few years ago in London during it’s initial run.
Avenue Q tells the story of Princeton who is looking for somewhere to live in New York after graduating college, he starts looking at Avenue A and gets to Avenue Q before he finds somewhere he can afford.
When he moves in he meets Kate (the girl next door) who he instantly falls for, Rod, Trekkie and Lucy the Slut, okay okay guessing by now (especially after the last two names) you may have guessed there is something different about this show, well …. yes …
It’s all told with puppets!
Oh and it’s brilliant, funny, heartwarming and has some great songs, including: Fine fine line, the Internet is for porn, Mix tape and Fantasies come true.
When I saw it the cast were great, i didn’t see any visible ‘downsizing’ for the touring version, and I had a great time. Check it out if / when it tours again.
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