Kinky Boots The Musical 8th September 2022 – Beaufort Theatre

This is the Welsh amateur premier of this musical. It was delayed due to covid and we eventually got to see the production this year.

Creative Team:

Book Harvey Fiersteen, Written by Geoff Dance & Tim Firth and music by Cindi Lauper.

Director / Choreographer – Elaine Hardwick-Moseley, Musical Director – Matthew Hunt


Charlie Price‘ Matthew Oliver, ‘Lola/Simon‘ Jordan Jones, ‘Mr.Price‘ Clive Preece, ‘Young Charlie‘ Harrison Luke, ‘Young Lola‘ George Richards, ‘Nicola‘ Lauren Edwards, ‘Pat‘ Kirsty Williamson, ‘George‘ Andrew Moseley, ‘Don‘ Daniel Thomas’, ‘Lauren‘ Louise Luke, ‘Harry‘ Lewis Hodson,

Angels: Liam Brewer, Christopher Cule, Phil Nolan, Andrew Smith, ‘Trish‘ Deborah James, ‘Maggie‘ Kirsty James-Roberts, ‘Marge‘ Elaine Hardwick-Moseley, ‘Richard Bailey‘ Richard Watkins, ‘Milan/Stage Manager‘ Shelley Morgan,

Ensemble: Ffion Geary, Chelsea Hockey, Sandra Langford, Lesley Mogford, Katie Parry, Gareth Tanswell, Becca Trace, Emily Withey, Richard Williams

The story is of Charlie Price who is planning on moving to London with his girlfriend getting away from the shoe factory his father runs, and wants him to take over. Shortly after moving his father dies and he has to return. He finds the factory is in trouble and after meeting a friend who runs a discount shoe shop who he hopes to persuade to buy their stock he meets ‘Lola’ a drag queen with a broken shoe, and he has an idea.

I will admit to a few reservations before going to see this show. Where as I have always enjoyed this companies performances, and the professionalism and quality they have in each production. I had seen the West End production and was wondering how they would find, locally, someone who could play ‘Lola’ as that character has to walk in heels, carry the show on occasions and belt the frankly insane ‘Hold me in your Heart’. However I needn’t have worried as they had Jordan Jones. Who more than filled Lola’s high heeled boots.

The only thing small about this company is the stage they perform on (by national standards). Their aspirations, the effort and skills they put into each show more than match touring productions I have seen.

A great night’s entertainment.

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